I left the restaurant and, lifting my head up, filled my lungs with fresh, already winter air. I would never have thought that after 5 years of law studies I would have to work as a waitress. But still, nothing to complain about ... the interview went well, the receptionist is a very nice woman, the waitress girls with whom I had time to talk were very friendly. A high level of institutions guarantees not the lowest salary. Yes, and career growth has not been canceled. There is only one thing left. You need to pass a physical examination and get a health card.

I have never loved this setting ... and not only the setting, it’s already unpleasant because of this smell ... that stands in every laboratory and clinic. Hurry to do everything. I continued to walk down the long corridor, carefully reading the plates on the doors, so as not to miss the laboratory's office and the next moment I ran into a woman in a white coat. The folder she was carrying fell and all the papers scattered along the aisle.

- Oh, sorry, please. I'm looking for a laboratory, I got carried away ... and now I don’t even look at my feet. Let me help you. I sat down and quickly began to collect paper. For a while, the woman stood without saying a word, but the next moment, I felt her take my hand and pull me up:

- Do not help me, I'll figure it out myself. Lab at the end of the aisle. Come on.

Her words sounded like orders. Only now I saw her. She was a slender woman of about 35 in a flawlessly white robe. Graceful, strict glasses gave her appearance even greater elegance and charm. A badge was attached to the pocket ... but I did not have time to read what was written there. Only her patronymic name - Vitalievna. I continued to stand still, unable to look away from her eyes.

- Well, what got up, go. How many times did you repeat, d ... she wanted to add something else, but she stopped. I myself didn’t understand what I was standing here and look at her with regretful eyes, like a guilty schoolgirl ... She also turns to me at YOU, as if I’m some kind of nurse who did not clean the floor the way she wanted .

I picked up my purse from the floor and walked down the hall, feeling her gaze on myself. Then everything went as usual in our state institutions - here we need to put another seal, there is no signature ... then there is no one who should put this signature and as a result I ran there all day ... Finally, I came to the head doctor to approve the card and eventually ended this nightmare. Lengin Andreevich (an extraordinary name, I thought) - for a long time he looked at the roundabout sheet, which was completely written and stamped ... looked at me questioningly and said:

“It is too early for you to go to me ... so look, the third inspection point is a gynecologist examination.” And as far as I can see, the conclusion of Margarita Vitalievna is not here.

I was struck like lightning. He must be joking. No ... I was not at all frightened that my sufferings were still

not over ..

- Vitalevna? - I asked again ..

- Yes, Margarita Vitalevna, gynecologist. It is to her you have to go ... or even run. Look at the clock. I do not guarantee that she is still in the workplace. But this is nothing, come tomorrow.

He handed my papers back to me and I walked out of the office on cotton legs. Tomorrow morning, I should already be at the new workplace with the result of the examination and begin my internship. I have no other way out ... I proceeded in the direction that a gray-haired man in a robe with a sparkling stethoscope around me had sent me. The sign on the door confirmed that I was going in the right direction. I almost went tight to the door, threw back my head, which was already beginning to fall apart, and closed my eyes:

“Only that it should not be she ... only ... Th ..

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of an opening door and, opening my eyes, I saw it ... Yes, it was her. And it all happened again ... I was standing like a mouse that could not take my eyes off the predator. She was not surprised to see me near her office; on the contrary, she had the impression that she was waiting for me. Without taking my eyes off me, she turned to someone who was in the office:

- Olya, leave the papers, you will do everything tomorrow morning. Can you go home

- Thank you, Margarita Vitalevna !! - I heard a female voice, and after a few seconds, a short girl appeared behind the doctor, trying to get her hand into the sleeve of her coat on the move ..

- See you tomorrow, Margarita Vitalievna ..

The doctor did not answer, only moved away, giving the opportunity to pass Ole. Immediately after Olya went out, Margarita Vitalyevna nodded her head to the office ... and when I entered, I closed the door ... I closed it, you could clearly hear the clicks of the lock, which echoed through the spacious office.

- Once again I apologize, Margarita Vitalyevna, because then, in the corridor, I flew into the ...

- You will speak when I tell you. In the meantime, shut up. Give your paper, with what you came there. She took papers from me, walked around the table gracefully, sat down and began to study my card ..

I continued to stand, with my hands on the straps of my bag. I have never allowed anyone to contact me like this. All teachers at the university knew my character and that for myself and not only I can stand up and now this ... how dare she ... and why am I not doing anything ...

- Hmm ... I did not know that they take in such rubbish in the Premier. Although we still see if they take you. - She said, looking at me over his glasses and smiled.

“What do you mean? ... and why are you talking to me like that, I apologized several times already ... although it was not only my fault that we were facing ... you also didn’t see where you were going. if you don’t dodge ... you want money ... say so ... today I already understood how your system works. How many?

Her expression didn’t change much.

- Your money is useless to me like hysteria. I told you clearly, you will open your mouth when I want it. First, answer a few questions and then proceed to the actual inspection.

When and how did you lose your virginity?

I could not believe it. Yes, she just mocks me. What does this have to do with my work? ..

- Why are you silent? You just talked. Come on, do not build yourself from the hymen, answer the question ..

“I ... it was ... I was 16.

- Well, then ... And answer my questions completely!

- I lost my virginity at the age of 16, when I masturbated.

- Is that so? Well, let's write - onanist.

I no longer dared to protest somehow and just stood with my head down ... my face was filled with paint, my cheeks were burning with shame ...

- when and with the representative of what sex did you last have sexual intercourse?

- The last time I was with ... it was half a year ago.

- What are you, specifically testing my patience ... I already sit here during off hours ... let's do it again ..

- The last time I had sex with a girl 6 months ago.

- The question, as I understand it, is rhetorical ... But still - how often do you masturbate?

- I masturbate about 4 times a day.

- No (she lowered her head and looked at the cover of my card where the name was written) Julia. I want you to say it differently ... repeat after me, I Julia, rub my pussy every day at least 4 times.

I looked at her with a plea in my eyes ... but her stern look was unmoved.

- I, Julia ... I ... rub my ... n ... pussy every day at least 4 times.

- Well then ... take off your clothes ... now let's look at your dirty, constantly flowing cunt ..

I obediently began to undress, watching Margarita Vitalyevna leave the table, go to the gynecological chair, next to which stood a cupboard. From it, she took out a pair of surgical gloves and slowly began to wear them, looking at how I tried to quietly remove her panties, which was covered with a wet spot.

- Come here - the doctor ordered; sit on a chair and spread your legs.

She pulled up a chair and sat so that her head was just above my crotch. She moved closer ... put her index finger between her lips and raised her hand so that I could see the wet glove ..

- Look, bitch ... I was right ... your pussy really flows abundantly.

She pressed the palm of her left hand to my pubic, covering the clitoris and the index finger of her right sharply inserted into me. I groaned and slightly arched, but I didn’t protest at all ... and what could I say ... outwardly I still somehow held on, but my pussy continued to flow treacherously ... Margarita Vitalyevna continued to move her finger in my pussy and after a few moments I covered the waves orgasm ..

When I came to my senses, Margarita Vitalyevna sat at the table and wrote something in my card ... I silently began to dress ..

- Here you are. Lengin Andreevich still at home ..

Well, we'll see you again, I like the hotel’s Premier Restaurant ..