It was a long time. Came to one old hat, that sells moonshine and accidentally got drunk and passed out she has on the threshold of drunken and ailing. It turned out probably so that I was too heavy-100 kg of weight and she had nothing left to do, how to cover me with a rug or rug directly with the head because it had to come to her relatives or guests for some holiday. I only remember that all day I walked, jumped, ran, stood all who are not lazy and asked what they have under their feet to which she replied that it is a Palace that must be knocked out or there to hand over to the dry cleaner. At first I strained my stomach because. it was painful, but then finally went limp - probably because of her unusually strong moonshine. Guests went in and out stepping around one of the abdomen, chest, throat, face. Then I fell asleep and felt nothing. I only dreamed that I was lying on the ground on a construction site, and on my stomach bricks fall from the roof. I woke up in the morning all broken and barely left her. In the morning I asked why she did this to me, to which she replied that I wanted it and that stomach ache I have is mainly due to the fact that the children came with adults decided to jump on the Mat as on the trampoline and competed among themselves who will jump higher and I with the pain in his gut remembered the dream with the bricks. That's how I suddenly became a rug. It's disgusting to remember, but I blamed it all on the blue of poor health. In fact, the story was longer, but it is. until probe. for fans of trampling.