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Tenderness and Compassion (or Nah * skateboards!)
Documentary tuned feuilleton (With elements of profanity. Children with their parents have a passport with you!) With this outgoing - in fact, already gone - in summer, when the weather decided to please the Muscovites and guests of the capital with really warm weather and hit the night by 27 days and 22 at night, I rolled in the area of ​​midnight in the desert, filled with electric light, the side of the Luzhniki Stadium and me on my scooter — and I wasn’t particularly in a hurry — didn’t seem to be puffing too much, the group of brave longborders overtook — a couple of little girls and little things three dolboyopchik. While I was deciding that it was time for me to slow down a little, to dismount and get another beer from my backpack, the young people drove a good distance and ... I looked that they had something strange there - some kind of eccentric bivouac right in the middle of asphalt. Doryvshy finally to the place of the mysterious parking of the extreme, I realized that everything, alas, was not just that - one of the girls managed to plow the asphalt with her nose, and so much that she was lying back, quietly moaning, next to it there is a pool of blood an area of ​​one and a half and a half of an adult man’s palm, the second girl rushes right there, promakat poor thing spout some tampons, well, the guys next door are marking time. “Great,” fucking! Fucking hung up! Well, I also began to dig in my bag - something was hanging out there on the topic - a bandage, a plaster - on trifles. It is a pity, but you want to help somehow. And she lies, apparently, in shock from the pain, or, God forbid, “shook”, breathes like a kitten, eyes are closed and tears flow - zhaaalko, no words!
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